Tuesday, January 31, 2012

SSC Fill In the Gaps Without Clues Suggestions

Complete the following passage using suitable words. Use only one word for each gap.
Students should not (a) — themselves from (b) —. They can (c) — the society in many ways. Their (d) — is of great importance to society. During vacation they should go to their native village. They can (e)— the illiterate villagers. During a flood they can (f) — the sufferings of the flood affected people by raising funds. As they live in (g) — they are (h) — beings. So they are not (i) — from society. They can play an important role by (j) — the illiteracy from the country.
Time (a)— for none. None can call it (b) —. A man can get back his (c) — money and health but can not get back his lost time. Time (d) — lost is lost forever. So we should (e) — the best use of our time. We must do our work in (f) —. If we (g) — off our work for tomorrow, we may not get time to do it at all. There are some people who (h) — their time for nothing, they cannot (i) — in life. They (j)— to depend on others.
Our environment is being (a) — day by day. Our cities are polluted with (b) — and fumes from motor vehicles, mills and (c) — . Water is polluted by (d) — and poisonous (e) — . People have also cut down (f) — from forests. These things cause (g)— effects on our environment and our (h) — is being gradually changed. Noise affects our hearing, nerves and our general (i) — . We must keep our environment clean and free form (j) —.
Honesty is a (a) — virtue. It helps a man to (b) — in life. An honest man is (c) — and honored by all. Nobody (d)— a dishonest man. A man may be eminent (e) — means of dishonesty but that is short (f) —. A dishonest man (g)— in the long run. So, we should (h) — to be honest (i) — truthful if we (j) — to be respected and honored.
The proper (a) — of study involves regular and proper understanding. In order to (b) — the best benefit from study we should read (c) — and intelligently. We should not study (d) — for the purpose of (e) — examination. We should take genuine (g) — in our studies so that we can enjoy what we (g) — . This will give us knowledge and wisdom and (h) — the horizon of our (i) — . We should, therefore, study not for immediate gains but for the wealth of our mind.
Poverty is the (a) — problem in Bangladesh. (b) — of the farmers and workers live in (c) — condition and suffer for want of food. Millions of the people are (d) — and ill-clad. Since the (e) — of a country is (f) — on the living standard of the (g) — masses, the problem of their poverty must be (h) — to ensure a better living for them. If we fail to do this, we cannot hope to (i) — as a nation and make our (j) — meaningful.
Time and tide (a)— for none. None can call it (b) —. A man can get back his (c) — money and health but cannot get back his lost time. Time once lost is lost (d) — . So, we should make the (e) — use of our time. We must do our work in (f) —. If we put off our work (g) — tomorrow we may not get time to do it at all. There are some people who (h) — time for nothing, they cannot prosper in (i) —. They (j)— to depend on others.

Civility means polite (a) — or modesty. It also (b)— courteous manner. It is a great virtue (c) — a man. To be well behaved, or good natured we (d)— willingness to (e) — civility. We have to (f) — some code of conduct and (g) — the norms of etiquette of the society. It (h)— vary society to society. However, one has to (i) — good manners in one’s character from an early age. No expenditure (j) — consciousness is required.
Language is the first medium of (a) — knowledge. But all the (b) — of the world do not speak in the (c) — language. Every nation has its (d) — language, this is (e)— mother tongue of that nation. We (f)— the Bengalees. Bangla is our (g) — tongue. The (h) — sons of this land (i) — for our mother tongue on the 21st February. As recognition of their sacrifice, the UNESCO (j)— February 21st as the International Mother Language Day.
Nature has given her (a) — to us more generously (b) — many other countries of the world. Think about our (c) —. It is soft and (d) —. Our farmers who have (e) — simple handmade tools can (f) — dig, plough, and prepare the soil with them. Whereas (g) — which is (h) — and rocky cannot be so easily dug, ploughed and (i) —. We have a great natural advantage too. We can (j) — most our land.
The month long fasting (a) — by the Muslims is an (b) — element of Islam. Ramadan is the month of (c) — self (d) — and (e) —. After Ramadan (f)— the Eid-ul-Fitr. Eid is a day of joy for the (g) — Muslims. On this (h) — we share our joy and happiness. We, Muslims should (i) — to establish an (j) — free society.
Bangladesh is a small and (a) — populated country. Majority (b)— here below the poverty line. Population means an (c) — in a country if it is employed. It is a matter of regret that majority of our young’s are (d) — unemployed and passing their time (e) — nothing. We have too many to be employed (f) — to the scope of employment. But (g) — the government tries sincerely, it will be able to create job opportunities for them. Unemployment problem creates many kinds of social (h) —. We all have to work (i) — to build a good nation. Only self-employment is the answer (j) — this.
Bangladesh is a small (a) . But her population is (b) big. They are deprived of the (c) of education. But education is the (d) of a nation. No nation can make any (e) without (f) . It (g) remove all our sufferings. It is (h) to set up primary schools in villages for the spread of (i) . We are also in (j) of many good teachers.
The progress of a nation is (a) — an easy matter. It (b)— upon the selfless and noble (c) — of some worthy sons of the (d)—. They work without rest and often (e) — praise. While most of the (f) — are busy with their (g) — name and comfort, these (h) — persons live and die to make (i) — life of their fellow (j) — richer and happier.

The proper (a) — of study involves regular and proper understanding. In order to (b) — the best benefit from study we should read (c) — and intelligently. We should not study (d) — for the purpose of (e) — examinations. We should take genuine (f) — in our studies so that we can enjoy what we (g) —. This will give us knowledge and wisdom and (h) — the horizon of our (i)— . We should, therefore, study not for immediate gains but for (j) — the wealth of our mind.
Modern life (a)— much on transport. We can very well (b) — how important transport is when it is (c) — by natural calamities or during socio political crisis. In fact, transport has made it (d) — for us to reach places which were previously (e) — . It has (f) — helped the flourish of trade and commerce and to (g) — new knowledge and ideas. (h) — transport has (i) — friendship and understanding among nations and people (j) — around us.
One of the serious (a)— of today’s world (b) — pollution. The air of the cities is (c) — by the fume and smoke from motor (d) — mills and (e) —. The water of the seas and lakes (f)— poisoned by industrial waste, chemicals, and (g) — dangerous substances. Forests on every wide areas (h) — being cleared and burnt. All (i) — have disastrous (j) —.
Flowing (a) can be a great source of (b) . The water that (c) down from the hills has a strong (d) that can produce (e) . Most of the rivers in north-east region of our country can be (f) for this purpose. At present we have only (g) hydro-electric (h) at Kaptai which (i) 142 megawatts of electricity. It is vitally (j) for industrialization.
At present natural calamities in the world are (a) — in an alarming rate. Floods, cyclones, earthquakes, tsunami, etc (b)— almost every year and (c) — away valuable lives, habitats and other belongings. Still now, we are (d) — to abide by the will of nature. Scientists think that we are (e) — for these disasters. Nature has (f) — her equilibrium for the (g) — acts of man. So, nature is taking her (h) — on us. If we don’t become (i)— of it, the whole world will be (j) — for living.
Examination is very important in students’ life. It justifies a student’s (a) . No student can be (b) to next class without examination. So, every student (c) hard to pass the examination. There are many ways to do (d) in the examination and meritorious students follow these ways. Subject (e) is not all things to approach the examination. One may gather much (f) about his subject, but if he cannot (g) his performance in the examination, his such kind of knowledge is (h) . He (i) be very practical in the examination hall. Time maintaining in the examination is also an (j) thing.