Monday, March 28, 2011

The Grameen Bank


The concept of the ‘Grameen Bank’ is the brain-child of Dr Muhammad Yunus, a professor of Economics at Chittagong University. He is the founder and Managing Director of the Grameen Bank. He understood that without improving the lot of the poor people, it is not possible to achieve economic development of the whole country. So he came up with the idea of micro-credit and established the Grameen Bank. This bank lends money poor or landless people. They can use in many productive activities. Proper steps are taken to ensure the best use of the money lent to the poor. The system of lending money of this bank is very flexible. People can repay their installment from their profit. This bank has gained popularity across our country, particularly in rural areas. The Grameen Bank’s success has been praised (or acclaimed) by many Western countries. Some countries are following the strategy of the Grameen Bank to alleviate their poverty. So by improving the lot of the poor people Grameen Bank is playing a vital role in our socio-economic development.

Price Hike/ Price Spiral

Price Hike/ Price Spiral

When the cost of something becomes far more expensive than its original price then it’s known as price hike. Price rise is a great problem of the recent day. It is a common phenomenon (ঘটনা) not only in our country but also in the world. Today the prices of necessary things such as food items, cloths, education materials, medicine and many other necessary things are going up by leaps and bounds . Price rise is caused by several factors like hording, population explosion, low productivity, natural calamities, wars, backwardness of communication, evil motives of dishonest businessmen, smuggling, black marketing etc. If the price rise is caused by the short supply of commodities, it is temporary. But it is very difficult to control the price rise caused by inflation. However, the people of low income suffer greatly and pass there days in constant anxiety. They find it, difficult to make their both ends meet. Price rise has terrible effects on man's character. It leads people to the path of corruption and moral degradation. Lows should be enforced strictly to bring the prices of the essential commodities within the purchasing capacity of the common people.

A Tea Stall

A Tea Stall

A tea stall is a small shop where ready tea is served to the customers. It mainly sits at Railway or Bus station. Besides, It is found at bazers, a factory or a launch ghat. A tea stall is not well furnished. A tea stall is of great importance to passers-by, day laborers, workers, official and political leaders. Tea is a popular drink. It refreshes body and mind together. There is an oven, a pan of milk to prepare tea and decorated with simple chairs, tables and benches. Hot tea, biscuits, bread, banana, betel leaf (পান), cigarettes are sold there. However, a tea stall opens early in the morning and closed at late night. There is a boy to serve tea to the customers and a manager who sits behind the cash box and receives money from the customers. While taking tea the customers discuss familial, political, economic and social affairs (ঘটনা). As they discuss political affairs very much like our national parliament (জাতীয় সংসদ) staying at a tea stall, it is called a mini Sangsad. After taking tea, they quarrel (ঝগড়া) with each other about their saying things. Always it looks like crowded and noisy. In fact, a tea stall is a favorite option to all kinds of people.