Sunday, February 5, 2012

Different Types of Entrepreneur In Bangladesh

There are different types of Entrepreneur all over the world. In our country the number of entrepreneur is increasing day by day as every year new business initiatives are taken place. After the liberation war of our country different business started their operation in our country. From that time to till date lots of entrepreneur became successful. There are Mainly 3 types of Entrepreneur in our country. They Are-
1.      Based on timing of venture creation
2.      Based on Socio-Cultural Variables
3.      Based on entrepreneurial Activity
Different types of entrepreneur’s name of Bangladesh is given below-
1.     Based on Timing of creation:
1.1 Early starters:                                               
Name of the organization
Parvin Akter
Proprietor of “Jenya Collection”
Abdul Awal Mintoo 
Proprietor of “Multimode Group
Mohammad Ajman Miah  (Tommy Miah  )
Raj Restaurant

1.2 Experienced:
Name of the organization
Mr. Yussuf A. Harun
Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (FCA)
Iqbal Z. Quadir
founder of Gonofone and Grameenphone
Mr ASM Rafiqul Islam
Managing Director of the “Noman Group of Industries

1.3 Mature:
Name of the organization
Dato’ Roslan Khalid
DIMP Managing Director, “RK Group of Companies”

2.     Based on Socio cultural variables:
2.1 First generation entrepreneurs:
Name of the organization
Zohirul Islam                            
Eastern Group
MD. Sirazul Islam Patwary       
Business Alliance Recruiting agents
Mizanur Rahman                      
Proprietor,Chamili electric house
Proprietor, Orchid Travel
Sakayet Kamal                           
Proprietor, Prottasha enterprise

2.2 Entrepreneurs from business family:


Name of the organization

Iqbal Ahmed

Business of shrimp
Muquim Ahmed
invested GB£2m in a bakery and a ready meals factory in
Samson H. Chowdhury

Square Pharmaceuticals

2.3 Minority entrepreneurs:
Name of the organization
Head of Chakma clan

2.4 Women entrepreneurs:
Name of the organization
Umme Kulsum Mannan     
Vice chairman of Summan Group
Firoza Amin                            
Chairperson of smart group
Geetees beauty parlor
Kaniz Almas                            
Farzana Shakil                     
Farzana Shakil beauty solution

3.     Based on EntrepreneurialActivity:
3.1 Novice  
Name of the organization
Israr Shamim     
Ferdous Finance and Commerce
Shaik Siraz
Make Program on Farming

3.2 Serial
Name of the organization
Azim Uddin Ahmed
Chairman, Mutual Group
Dr. Nuruzzaman
Chairperson of Sky View Foundtion
Shaiful Islam
Chairman of Navana group
Amzad Hossain
Bakery Business

3.3 Portfolio Entrepreneur:
Name of the organization
Golam Qader     
Nishu Advertising Org.
Forhad Ahmed
Proprietor, Ahmed Machinery

In this assignment we have found the name of different types of entrepreneur in our country. Some of them are very popular and known to all sorts of people in our country. But some are new and all of them are more or less successful. Through this assignment we not only learn the name of entrepreneurs but also we learn about different types of business existing in our country. They all came up with great idea and became successful.  

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Danger of Smoking Paragraph

  Danger of Smoking
Smoking is a very bad habit . It is a very dangerous habit, too. It is so dangerous that it may cause cancer, heart-attack, high blood pressure, chronic pulmonary troubles and others serious diseases. Smoking tobacco products is a major health hazard. It is found that one puff of cigarette smoke contains fifteen billion particles of matter inducing nicotine, methyl alcohol, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, arsenic, Benzedrine and several other acids. These are all really very fatal and injurious to our health. Nicotine constricts the size of blood-vessels which obstructs the normal flow of blood and oxygen in the body. It causes the heart beat faster. Benzedrine, arsenic and tobacco tar are cancer-causing agents in animals and human beings. Tobacco tar forms a brown sticky mass inside the lungs and it hinders the easy flow of blood. The presence of carbon monoxide in the tobacco tar drives out the oxygen from the blood and it is also dangerous. Besides, smoking can cause irritation in the eye, offend the rose and unsettle the mind. After all, the dangers of smoking are quite unlimited and all should avoid it to live a happy and peaceful life.

SSC Re-Arrange

  •      Suggestions for Re-Arranging
    1. Rearrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite them in a paragraph.                     1X10=10 
    (a) So, he made up his mind to give up his throne and divide his Kingdom among his three daughters.
    (b) Goneril was the eldest, Regan was the second and Cordelia was they youngest and the most favourite to the king.
    (c) These events happened long ago when King Lear was ruling Britain.
    (d) But before giving up his throne, Lear wanted to know how much his daughter loved him.
    (e) He needed peace and rest.
    (f) King Lear had three daughters.
    (g) He was about eighty years old.
    (h) Now Lear was very old man.
    (i) Their names were Goneril, Regan and Cordelia.
    (j) He was tried of ruling his kingdom.

    2. Rearrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite them in a paragraph.           1X10=10
    (a) One said, “I have lost my husband.”
    (b) A poor woman once came to Buddha.
    (c) The sorrowful mother went from door to door seeking the mustard seeds but at every door she met with sad replies.
    (d) She returned with heavy heart to the great teacher and told him the result of her great search.
    (e) He told her that there was only one medicine which could revive her son.
    (f) Another said, “Our youngest child died last year.”
    (g) Then Buddha told her affectionately that she must not think much for her own grief since sorrow and death are common to all.
    (h) The holy man was touched by the great sorrow of the woman.
    (i) She asked him whether he could give her any medicine to restore her dead child to life.
    (j) He told her to bring a handful of mustard seeds from a house where death had never entered.

    3. Rearrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite them in a paragraph.           1X10=10
    (a) As a student Luther King was very brilliant.
    (b) He donated all the money for the development of the Negro nation.
    (c) After marriage Luther King worked as a clergyman in the Baptist Church of Albania.
    (d) He was born on 15th January 1926 in the Atlanta City.
    (e) He was shot dead in 1966 when he was 37.
    (f) He was awarded he Nobel Peace Prize for leading the racial problem of America in non violent and peaceful way.
    (g) In this time the married an extraordinary learned woman called Croats Scott.
    (h) Martin Luther King was a great leader in the history of freedom and rise of the Negro nation.
    (i) He was imprisoned for his movement against the colour difference.
    (j) He obtained his doctorate degree from Boston University.

    4. Rearrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite them in a paragraph.        1X10=10
    (a) She made her journey to different countries to do well for helpless people all over the world.
    (b) The leprosy attacked people were neglected in India.
    (c) Finally she settled in India and started and orphanage.
    (d) She won the hearts of hundreds of thousand people all over the world through her benevolence and kind heartedness.
    (e) Mother Teresa was born on August 26, 1920 in Maccdonia.
    (f) It is because of her beneficent work she was awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.
    (g) When she was only 18, she joined the order of the sisters of our lady of lorets in Ireland welfare organization.
    (h) The generous lady’s life came to an end on the 5th September 1997.
    (i) But Mother Teresa took the patients to her Missionaries of Charity and gave them treatment.
    (j) She also set up her missionaries of Charity ‘Nirmal Hriday’ in 1952 which began working with the patients attacked with leprosy.

    5. Rearrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite them in a paragraph.        1X10=10
    (a) By the time he was twenty five years old, he had become well-known as a writer of great talent.
    (b) When he was a small boy, his father was sent to prison for debt.
    (c) He could not go to school and receive education.
    (d) He wrote some of the best novels in English literature.
    (e) He never forgot his hard experience of his boyhood.
    (f) He was born in February 7, 1712 in Portsmouth.
    (g) Even during his life time, he was exceptionally popular.
    (h) Charles Dickens was one of the greatest English novelists of the 19th century.
    (i) Dickens died on June 9, 1870.
    (j) Dickens had to work in a factory at the age of twelve.

    6. Rearrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite them in a paragraph.        1X10=10
    (a) This made his wife more furious.
    (b) He sat on the door steps of his house looking out on the public street.
    (c) One day the woman became more furious than ever.
    (d) She always tried to irritate Socrates.
    (e) She began to insult Socrates.
    (f) She thought that he was not paying the least attention to her.
    (g) She went up to him with a bucket of water and poured much water on him.
    (h) So he went out of the room.
    (i) Socrates could not tolerate this.
    (j) Socrates' wife used to lose her temper on the slightest excuse.

    7. Rearrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite them in a paragraph.        1X10=10
    (a) During the time, when he was the President of America, a civil war took place.
    (b) He lose from humble origin.
    (c) As a man, he was very simple and kind.
    (d) He was always in favour of the slaves
    (e) It began in 1861 and continued for more than four years.
    (f) Abraham Lincon was among the greatest presidents of the USA
    (g) The civil war occurred over the question of slavery
    (h) He was born in 1809.
    (i) There were many Negro slaves in America in those days
    (j) He became great by his own efforts and perseverance.

    8. Rearrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite them in a paragraph.        1X10=10
    (a) He entered the kingdom of the prince and captured a large village.
    (b) Taimur disguised himself as a poor traveler.
    (c) He came with a large army.
    (d) Taimur was one of the greatest conquerors of the world.
    (e) The prince heard the news.
    (f) Thus he saved his life.
    (g) Taimur's soldiers were killed.
    (h) Taimur's soldiers surrounded the village on all sides and a terrible battle took place.
    (i) Once he attacked the province of a powerful prince.
    (j) The village was situated far away from the capital.

    9. Rearrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite them in a paragraph.         1X10=10
    (a) He took the lion's paw in his hand and removed a big thorn from it.
    (b) His master was very bad and inflicted heavy torture on him.
    (c) Androcles was very home-sick.
    (d) One day he fled from his master's house and took shelter in a cave.
    (e) The lion seemed wounded as it was groaning.
    (f) He was caught by a slave merchant who sold him to a rich man.
    (g) The lion was relieved.
    (h) Once there lived a young man named Androcles.
    (i) It came near Androcles and lifted its paw.
    (j) In the evening a lion entered the cave.

    10. Rearrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite them in a paragraph.        1X10=10
    (a) He checked the baggage of some of the passengers and found nothing.
    (b) It was getting on for midnight.
    (c) At last there was only one passenger left.
    (d) Mr Rahman is a customs officer.
    (e) He found nothing much in his bag except some clothes.
    (f) A flight arrived from Bangkok.
    (g) All the passengers got down with their luggage.
    (h) One night he was on duty at Zia International Airport.
    (i) Yet he had to check the luggage of the passengers.
    (j) So Mr Rahman felt tired and sleepy.

National Memorial Paragraph

National Memorial

National Martyrs' Memorial is one of the greatest monuments in the history Bangladesh. It is located in Savar, about 35 km north-west of Dhaka, symbolizes the velour and sacrifice of the martyrs who laid down their lives for the liberation of Bangladesh. It was designed by Syed Mainul Hossain. Plans for the monument were initiated right after the independence, in 1972. The main structure and the artificial lake and other facilities were completed in 1982. The monument is composed of 7 isosceles triangular pyramid shaped structures, with the middle one being the tallest. The highest point of the monument is 150 feet. There is an artificial lake, and several mass graves in front of the main monument. The architect has used concrete for the monument while all the other structures and pavements of the complex are made of red bricks. It symbolizes that it is built with concrete but made of blood. Once one enters the complex through the main gate he or she can see the monument axially but to reach it one has to walk through different ups and downs of pavements and cross an artificial lake by a bridge-all these represent the struggle for independence. The most moving sight of the complex is the several graves of the martyred freedom fighters: close to the tower. Standing in front of the graves we bow down our heads in respect, as the towers soar up symbolizing the loftiness of their spirit.